Thursday, 9 August 2012

12 Week Body Transformation - challenge accepted

After hearing all the hype about Michelle Bridges 12 Week Body Transformation program, and having a friend join up for round 2, I decided to do some investigating for myself. Having Michelle Bridges involved with it, I knew it wouldn’t be a quick fix fad diet, and the fact that it included both a nutrition and exercise plan I thought it would be worthwhile trying it out, so I signed up for Round 3.
I’ve never had an issue with my weight, I have always been a ‘healthy’ weight, but that doesn’t mean I am necessarily happy in my skin. I am a long distance runner, but I want the body to match! I absolutely love food, and have a big appetite. In a way this could suit my love of long distance running, but I was beginning to find I was definitely eating more than required for my running and gained a few extra kg’s. I’ve also got an injury with my ITB, so this is putting me out of running for 4-6 weeks for it to heal. I have never been into cycling, swimming or even just going for walks but with this injury I am encouraged to do all of these things, just not to run. So this is another factor for me joining this program, to get some new ideas of what exercises I can do in order to get fit without running.
My aim on this program is pretty plain and simple – to see results, and be proud of my body. I want to wear a bikini this summer and feel and look amazing in it. I don’t want to wear a swimsuit that hides my stomach because I am self conscious. I want to go to the beach and not cover myself whilst running to and from the water. I want to strut!
I want to wear fitted run singlets to compete in my races with, and look the part. I want to wear a cocktail dress that shows off my figure, instead of wearing ones that cover the bits I don’t like. I want to develop a healthy relationship with food. Not to eat 2 muffins and a donut at the office meeting just because it’s in front of me. Not to order a pizza just because it’s the weekend. Not to eat chocolate because all the girls at work are. Not to drink a bottle of wine because it’s Saturday night. Not to eat a massive bowl of ice cream covered in ice magic because I ran 15km. I absolutely need to get out of the habit of “rewarding” myself with junk food. How is it a reward if it is sabotaging what I am trying to achieve? I will constantly tell myself “a moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips”. I want to create new habits, where I get into the routine of exercising every day – as Mish has said, making it a daily task like showering or brushing your teeth. I want to have all my meals prepared so I am not tempted to go up the street and get a burger and chips for lunch.
Another hurdle I will have to jump is the feedback I will receive from some friends/colleagues when I tell them about being on this program. I have some people in my life, who I know mean well, but when I’m trying to eat well they tell me that I run enough and I’m not fat so I can eat treats. I know I’m not overweight, but I am carrying extra weight that I am unhappy with. There are also people in my life that are bigger than me, and I think sometimes they feel threatened or take offense when I am trying to be healthy myself, like I somehow think less of them. It is completely not the case, and I am learning that I shouldn’t feel bad for what I want to achieve in myself, it is all about me and me only! And I’m not going to let others change that.
I am grateful to have a supportive boyfriend who I can completely open up to about this, and who will encourage me 100%. I was bigger when we first got together, and I know he loves me the way I am, but I guarantee he won’t be complaining when I slim down!
Although I only want to lose around 5-7kg’s, I know this will not be an easy task for me. But I truly believe I can do this, I just need to keep plodding away and ticking off each week as I get through them. I can’t and don’t expect to see results overnight, but I know that by sticking to the full 12 weeks, I WILL get results, and I WILL create new, healthy habits which will remain with me much longer after 12 weeks.
Here goes...


  1. Good luck Megan! This is the first time I have joined in on the 12wbt challenge too and I am really excited about it. And I am looking forward to following your journey on your blog too!

  2. Hi Girl, I would love to know how to run long distance. I want to but i find it so hard. So you have any tips you can share? AnastasiaA (from 12wbt)

  3. Thanks ladies for posting on my blog :)
    Hi Anastasia,

    I used to do cross country and athletics when I was younger, but I only got back into it in the last 2-3 years after I put on some weight. It is definitely something you have to ease into and have patience with, and slowly build up. If you’ve never ran at all or very little I would suggest just running for maybe 10mins or so without stopping first off, and slowly build up each couple of days from there. You could also build up distance wise if you’re on a treadmill or can measure out your run. The general rule is not to increase your distance by any more than 10% each week to avoid injury.
    I notice you're from Victoria. Are you in melbourne? I'm in the south east suburbs

  4. I hear you sister. Am in the same boat as you but my desire is to remain at a sensible weight through menopause. Since joining round 3, 5 weeks ago I have already reduced my weight by just over 3 kg. So now with only another 3 kg to go I have decided to try the fit and strong category to tone up those wobbly bits and the bits I just don't like.
    Love my long distance running too and have set myself up for the masters games in Italy next year for the half or full marathon. Here's to the joy of self satisfaction in our own achievements
